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Quality of surgery and outcome in localized gastrointestinal stromal tumors treated within an International Intergroup randomized clinical trial of adjuvant imatinib

Nom du journal : JAMA Surg

Année : 2020

Volume : 155

Page de départ : e200397

Auteurs: Gelderblom HJ, Broto JM, Kotasek D, Poveda Velasco A, Fumagalli E, Gronchi A, Van Coevorden F, Rutkowski P, Litière S, Wardelmann E, Marréaud S, Italiano A, Duffaud F, Judson IR, Hohenberger P, Casali PG, Goldstein D, Bonvalot S, Penel N, Blay JY, Le Cesne A, Kopp HG, Smithers M, Zaffaroni F,